" We are very proud of our artists and designers at Burgate. We have a very high standard of work and excellent results. We have regular exhibitions around the school and in professional spaces and our students often enter and win local and national competitions. "
Sally Firino
Head of Art and Design
The Burgate School & Sixth Form
See more:
Burgate Art News: https://www.theburgate.com/art-design
Burgate Art Instagram: www.instagram.com/burgateartists

Burgate School has shared with Fordingbridge Art Club the top ten finalists' posters for peace designed by Year 7 students.
The 11 to 12 year old artists entered a competition run by Lions Club International to give "children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity".
The winner for Burgate School was Carine Yau, with Orrin M in second place and Albie H in third place.